Saturday, December 11, 2004

We did something today

"Practicing what I am preaching" my family and I really stepped out and did something today.

First, you have to have some history. We moved to Missouri about 8 years ago and for most of that time worked for a church. Salary included housing so when we left that to become massage therapists and follow our passions to help people find health and healing, we had no resources/equity in houses with which to purchase our own home.

For two years now we have been looking for houses, knowing what we want/need to fulfill our vision/dreams to be a place of healing and respite for folk. But with no resources we have been stymied and paralyzed at every turn. It got to the point that we were just speaking lots of negative thoughts into our lives; was difficult to trust that Loving Father even cared even more.

Finally, recently, we realized it was time to change that and really get back to believing in our Father, and in ourselves; time to believe that we really have what it takes and that we can have what is in our dreams.

So, with that background, we have been looking the last couple of weeks. Saw a house last week that would work in terms of function but needed work and was in the wrong location. Scheduled today to see some more and decided last night that if we saw nothing today that work we would go for the one last week. Even if the location wasn't just right at least it would get us out of the paralyzed mode. We just needed to DO SOMETHING!

Today we went looking, walked into the first house, one for which we had the least expectations and wouldn't you know? It was the perfect house for us! Better than we could have imagined, perfect for the "haven" which we want to be available to people who need our services and information.

AND - get this - we put a contract on the house! We DID SOMETHING! Hallelujah!

And you know what else - even better than that? YOU CAN DO SOMETHING TOO! Whatever it is, take the first step.

Tell us about it!

Dr Jon

Sunday, December 05, 2004


Have been listening, reading, educating myself for some time now in the world of business and the world of "home business" to be specific.

First, you have to realize they are different animals.
"Business" is what you see on Main Street, USA, at the mall, etc. The usual. They start with a business plan, raise money, provide some service or product and many are gone in 2 years.
"Home Business" is the fantasy that most of us have that we can do something from home to make extra money. This includes the millions(?) of Multi Level Marketing programs, envelope stuffing, etc., etc. Usually start with no business plan, no start up funding and usually never go anywhere. (I'm talking about myself here, as well as most of us who dream of bigger and better things).

Time to get real. Time to quit dreaming and thinking and hoping and actually DO SOMETHING!

That will be my new motto: DO SOMETHING!

Don't worry about failing; of course we will. But we will get up again and succeed, you and I.

Don't worry about not knowing enough; of course we don't know enough. But we will learn as we do.

Let me know what you did today, and tomorrow......

One last reminder for the day:


Friday, December 03, 2004

Definite Chief Aim

Every once in a while (hopefully often) do you have one of those "Ah-ha" kind of moments? When a revelation or epiphany occurs and things start to make sense? You all get them, I'm sure, and are excited and thankful when they happen, right?

I had one of those moments yesterday. Everything I have been reading and listening to lately about "Success" have all said the same thing (you no doubt have heard it before):
Discover your main purpose, chief aim, "mission" in life. Until you do that, no real success can or will come.

I have struggled for some time now trying to figure out what my mission is. Yesterday the light went on! Do you really want to know what it is - for me? Here it is:
My mission in life is to be an entrepreneur so that I can help people along their journey of becoming who they can become.

Big deal, you say. Yeah, for me it really is. Here's why:

First, I have always hated working for somebody else, but always considered myself a "terrible" businessman. Probably I am not so good, yet, but knowing that to be my mission puts a whole different spin on it and changes the way I think about business and about me.

Second, I have always put the order wrong. I have spent my life trying to help people. That's why I went to med school, why I do basically everything I do (see as a great example of how much I try to bring and how unfocused it all is). Now I can begin to get the order right. Entrepreneur, successful businessman, generating an income, FIRST so that THEN I can have the resources to REALLY help people, not just tilt at windmills.

So it is a big deal. Puts life in order. Focuses. Energizes. Wonderful feeling!

Trust you will have a "lights on" day today as well. Let me know.

Dr Jon