Friday, December 03, 2004

Definite Chief Aim

Every once in a while (hopefully often) do you have one of those "Ah-ha" kind of moments? When a revelation or epiphany occurs and things start to make sense? You all get them, I'm sure, and are excited and thankful when they happen, right?

I had one of those moments yesterday. Everything I have been reading and listening to lately about "Success" have all said the same thing (you no doubt have heard it before):
Discover your main purpose, chief aim, "mission" in life. Until you do that, no real success can or will come.

I have struggled for some time now trying to figure out what my mission is. Yesterday the light went on! Do you really want to know what it is - for me? Here it is:
My mission in life is to be an entrepreneur so that I can help people along their journey of becoming who they can become.

Big deal, you say. Yeah, for me it really is. Here's why:

First, I have always hated working for somebody else, but always considered myself a "terrible" businessman. Probably I am not so good, yet, but knowing that to be my mission puts a whole different spin on it and changes the way I think about business and about me.

Second, I have always put the order wrong. I have spent my life trying to help people. That's why I went to med school, why I do basically everything I do (see as a great example of how much I try to bring and how unfocused it all is). Now I can begin to get the order right. Entrepreneur, successful businessman, generating an income, FIRST so that THEN I can have the resources to REALLY help people, not just tilt at windmills.

So it is a big deal. Puts life in order. Focuses. Energizes. Wonderful feeling!

Trust you will have a "lights on" day today as well. Let me know.

Dr Jon

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