Sunday, August 26, 2007

Who Are You - Really?

I am reading through a very insightful book, in fact have quoted from it previously on this blog, called Listening to Love by Jan Meyers. Had to share this paragraph with you, especially in light of my last post:

Madeleine L'Engle says, "God understands that part of us which is more than we think we are." That's an understatement. Our Perfect Parent sees the splendor intended for us from the beginning. ("Yes, it is a miracle. And no one knows it yet, but this boy is brilliant of mind, pure of heart, and will display his strength in amazing ways.") In Ephesians 2 he calls us his workmanship -- his poema, his work of art, created for a unique (meaning no one else can fill it) place in this kingdom.8 You can hear the tragedy of how we diminish the handiwork, especially the redeeemed handiwork of God, when we join in a dark chorus about ourselves. Angelus Silesius says, "God, the devil and the world all wish to enter me. Of what great lineage my noble heart must be."9 Why would the Adversary even bother with you if you were only intended for reality television-level identity? Why, when thinking of yourself, would you join the chorus that names you Average, Selfish, Hopefully Someone Will Notice Me when even the dark ones themselves acknowledge you to be Worth Having, Noble, Royal Lineage, A Threat, Marked for Mind-Blowing Wonderful Things, Belonging to Jesus?
So, Who are You - Really?

Time to rethink it? redefine yourself? start believing the Truth about yourself? !!

Be your Mind-Blowing Self!


Dr Jon

8In Ephesians 2:10, the Greek word for workmanship (NIV) is poema, which means poem.

9 Angelus Silesius, quoted in Macrina Wiederkehr, A Tree Full of Angels: Seeing the Holy in the Ordinary (San Francisco: Harper and Row, 1998), 90.

----from Jan Meyers, Listening to Love (Waterbrook Press, 2004), 186.

Hard to Receive Correction?

Do you ever hear something and wonder why it causes such a deep stirring way down inside?

I was listening to a financial advisor/teacher the other day and had a major revelation. She was listing things that one needs to do to change one's life in relation to money in order to begin to generate and handle more of it.

It felt like she was slapping me, condemning me for being such a bad money-handler. She was really just factually teaching some action steps to take.

The feeling of resistance stopped me in my tracks. She doesn't even know me. I was listening to her on a CD, to a program which she teaches and markets to people like you and me who are trying to improve ourselves. She has my best interest at heart; she is trying to help me.

So why did it feel to me to be so BAD? Why did I resist so strongly her directions about things to do to improve myself when that is what I really want in the first place? The answer that came was a revelation.

Here is the first part of the revelation:
I realized that I have, for all my life, defined myself to be BAD, especially when it comes to money and the acquiring and handling of it. To hear someone tell me I need to change something only confirms to my heart that I really am bad. It stirs this really deep, emotional, gut-wrenching emotion inside me. I don't want to hear it or feel that bad so I ignore it when I do.

Because here is the other part of the revelation:
I have spent my entire life covering up the defined to be BAD part of me by working REALLY HARD to make myself look GOOD. I have believed that without this appearance of goodness I couldn't be approved by my parents, my family, my friends. And I needed their approval in order to find approval for myself. Of course that never really came because underneath I still defined myself as BAD.

Amazing how things change when you finally see them!

Now I no longer have to define myself as BAD. In fact, the relationship with Jesus has made my heart GOOD. It has also given me permission to be ME! Special! Unique! Amazing guy! Self-approving!

So now instruction for improvement is welcomed, received in the intent it is given, to HELP me. Not to condemn. When all that false emotional stuff is gone, the growth can really start to happen.

Renounce the lies about yourself. Come grow with me. Be your special, unique, amazing self!


Dr Jon

Saturday, August 04, 2007

Making Money

I realized recently that the marketers I know, be they network (MLM) or internet or (the few) direct mail marketers, basically are doing one thing. They are doing the marketing game just to play with the technique of marketing and not really to make any money. There is a LOT to learn about marketing, don't get me wrong. And you can always do better. And we say we want to make money but we deceive ourselves. What we really are focused on is the doing of marketing, not the making of money.

You are probably wondering, what is the difference, and why would anyone care? Actually the difference is profound and helps to answer the question why 98% of people involved in marketing and home based businesses fail and never make any money. They are focused on the wrong thing and aiming for the wrong goal.

It also begs a bigger, broader, even more important question: Do other (or all!) professions do the same thing?

Do doctors focus on doctoring an not on making money?
Do teachers focus on teaching and not on making money?
Do salesmen focus on selling and not on making money?
Do consultants focus on consulting and not on making money?

I suspect that such is the case.

I know I did exactly that as a doctor. In fact, I doctored so I wouldn't have to think about making money.

Somehow we have been overtaken by this idea of doing what is right or what is our passion and the money will flow. I think it has given an excuse for us to be lazy.

Maybe the better concept should be: think about and focus on making money, find a tool about which you are passionate to use in the process, and let the money flow!

Bottom line, though, is let the money flow!

Does that make us greedy, selfish, out of focus?

Could, but that is a different issue. That goes to our heart motives. Assuming we have the motives straight, the result should be the receiving of money, and in large amounts. For this is a measure of our value, to ourselves and to others. For this is the means by which we can begin to do the ministering to others we all are so anxious to do. As my newest mentor says, "Poor people can't help poor people; rich people can help poor people." (True not just about money, by the way!)

To help us stay on focus, we should perhaps change the names of our occupations. Instead of doctor, lawyer, ditch-digger or whatever, we might all call ourselves "money-makers" (with a speciality in whatever)!

MoneyMaker - Doctor.
MoneyMaker - Laundryman.
MoneyMaker - Ditchdigger.

It would begin to level the playing field and help us each see where the real value is: in ourselves, not in our occupation.

Let's go make some money!


Dr Jon

To get started, get some help to get the mindset changed about money.
Here are some resources:

The absolute basic you MUST read is:

Think and Grow Rich

If you send me an email I will send you a copy of Think and Grow Rich in PDF File Format for free! - go down the right hand column and choose some of the books available there, especially Amazing Increase, Warriors Nest, Spellbound.

There are MANY more! - Give me a holler by phone (314-750-6916) or email.

And if you really want to go start making money and not just learning about how, go here, sign up and let's get you started:

I Want to Make Some Money


What do we mean when we say "God loves us?"

Please tell me if I am wrong, but do not most/many of us think that God loving us means that we can have some emotional buzz to feel good about ourselves, about life and even about others? We think it means we now get to go to heaven and live happily ever after. We think it means now we have to pay Him back by giving Him our lives, our desires, our focus, our activity. We think it means that we have to perform at some high level of righteousness so that He will approve of us and not judge us and not remove His love from us.

It really means none of that.

God loving us means we don't have to pretend or cover up or perform or even be holy. In fact, we do Him a disservice, offend and grieve Him when we do, especially since He has poured Himself out for us. He created Adam in a state of complete and shameless nakedness, completely open, physically, emotionally, mentally, spiritually. In that openness He came and conversed with Adam. And when Adam chose to cover up, He still came. He was not the least put off by Adam's guilt or shame. Rather, He Himself found a solution to allow the Second Adam to come and be completely at One with Him, and in so doing, invite us into the restoration of the open relationship.

God loving us means we are asked, invited, compelled, even, to restored to Him in all of our nakedness, all of our brokenness, all of our shame and guilt and sense of failure and inadequacy. We are invited, even expected, to come as real, live, breathing, thinking, feeling, desiring, autonomous people. And in that openness and in that nakedness God lovingly, gently, laughingly pours in His quieting, His healing, His balm, His peace, His joy, His self-confidence, Hi s acknowledgement to each of us of our uniqueness, our glory, our beauty, our personhood. He satisfies the deepest need within each of us and brings us to that great, fulfilling, resting


Get open, get real, go with God to



Dr Jon