Monday, December 11, 2006

Recovering One's Identity

In this day and age the term "Identity Theft" is all too common and avoidance of it takes up a lot of our time and attention. But many of our identities have been stolen long ago, many times before they really had a chance to become ours.

Have been reading a new book the last few days, the latest in the series of books from John Eldredge (Journey of Desire, Wild at Heart, Waking the Dead). This latest is called The Way of the Wild at Heart and it is a treatise on what John calls the "Masculine Journey." As he says, it is about fatherlessness, unfinished men, stolen identities, often before they were even formed. I can honestly say he is talking about me. Just turned 56 and finally beginning to get a handle on my own identity. Been hiding behind a lot of other people's wishes and thoughts for me, failures to step up and get real for myself, fear of success even.

Kind of scary, but feels really good to finally become some body.

John, of course, will tell us that God the Loving Father is the One to whom we need to go to get the fathering we so desperately need; and he is right. I've been doing that recently, apart from church or doctrine or other people's wishes for me. Reading through the Scripture, seeing it as other men's stories, like me and my story. Just God and myself; talking; listening to each other.


Highly recommended.

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