Your Health Matters! Newsletter
Wednesday, March 28, 2007
TOO Good!
If it is too good to be true, it must be
got me thinking recently. Why do we as a culture take life so negatively? Is it negative to think this is a true statement?
I began to make a list of things
too good to be true - but ARE!
Number 1, right off the top, has to be:
Salvation. Redemption. Jesus coming to earth to find that which was lost. Immanuel.
When you think about this, it really is too good to be true, but it is true as many will attest. Thank God it is or we would have some really serious issues. Hopeless, Chaos, Despair, Unbridled violence. Oh, wait a minute. Sounds like the news. Maybe we need to start believing it is true.
But I digress.
What else goes on the list?
Number 2. How about the Beauty of Nature? Sunsets. Oceanscapes. Landscapes.
Awfully good. Awfully true.
Hmmm. The old saying is starting to lose some credibility for me.
Number 3. Loving, Encouraging, Edifying Relationships. Between spouses, between friends, among family. Granted it may not be true for us all, but if for only a few it still belies the original statement.
I suspect we could go on.
How about we get practical now and open our minds to the idea that
some things may be so good they are true!
How about a way to leverage your income to pay off your mortgage so early you can actually build a retirement - if you want or think you need one of those?
How about some natural products that are so potent, so "tuned in" to the needs of the human body that they actually markedly affect (dare I say "reverse"? and note that I would never dare to say "cure" because the FDA might jump all over me if I did) chronic dis-ease and a toughy like cancer?
Could these kind of practical issues that we are often faced with actually be impacted by something that is so good it could be true?
What might happen for us if we decided to believe it could be true????
I would love to hear YOUR story.
Dr Jon
Sunday, March 18, 2007
I was driving home last night from a business meeting and driving my son's (see his Brilliant Sports Commentary Blog) truck. The radio was tuned to a national talk show. The host was making the point that every day he talked about all the things in this country that were a problem:
- The war in Iraq
- Political wrangling
- Environmental issues, controversies
- Etc.
His point last night, though, was that he wanted to take some time to talk about and point out, with comments from the listeners, things that make this country unique and special. Here are a few that he came up with:
- Improved longevity
- Improved health care, in general, even for animals
- The mindset of young people that anything can be done
- Remote control, not just of TV, but of lights, fans, cars
- Antibiotics, even though some of them are becoming ineffective
- The Internet
In listening, I had to add my own to the list:
- A natural formulation MORE effective than any antibiotic, proven, working against not only bacteria but also viruses and fungi
- A technology that will scan a body and tell how much arterial occlusion is present. Then, take a supplement that is exceptionally effective at reversing the occlusion.
- A fruit juice that is effective in causing positive effects on MANY dis-eases including
- Fibromyalgia
- Irritable Bowel Syndrome
- Diabetes
- Cholesterol
- Cardiac Disease
- Arthritis
- Crohn's
- Alzheimer's
- Gastric Reflux
- Asthma/Allergies
- Herpes
- Even Cancer
Since I was in a business meeting all day I also had to add some economic celebrations:
- Every American has the opportunity to own and operate a small business. This allows him to benefit from all the tax advantages given to the wealthy
- The number of businesses available to run are limitless, depending only on one's ambition and imagination
- A mortgage payoff program that allows one to be free of mortgage and debt in 1/2 to 1/3 the time without altering spending habits or lifestyle, allowing financial freedom and providing a means to build real wealth
These are things which are available to us, NOW, NEVER before available in the history of the world!
I know, some of them sound too good to be true. Our old thinking kicks in and says it must be not true. But, guess what? These are true!
Why then are many of still dis-eased, still in debt over our ears?
Only one reason I can think of:
In short, Our Thinking.
Let's go think bigger, grander, freeing, outside-the-box thoughts.
Until next time,
Dr Jon
P.S. If interested in any of these topics listed, contact me. And please add your comments/disagreements/salutations/benedictions to whatever I say!
Thursday, March 15, 2007
Transforming Grace
Last Saturday we watched Les Miserables, the most recent version of Victor Hugo's novel with Liam Neeson playing Jean Valjean. If you have not seen this film, you absolutely MUST! There is SO MUCH in it of the power of Love and Grace, the destruction of unbridled law.
But what struck me occurred at the very beginning. Indeed, it was really on this that resulted in the events of the entire film and story. Valjean came to the Bishop's house looking for bread and something to steal. But he said:
"Give me a bed for the night and
In the morning he stole the silver thinking that would give him the resources to become a new man. He was wrong. The Bishop, when queried, gave him forgiveness and even more silver, thus saving his life. Actually giving him new life. As a result, Valjean BECAME A NEW MAN!
While it is absolutely an example of a work of grace, our theology stops at that and makes that the theme. But let me take it one step further.
Grace was the means that worked out the transformation. Valjean's choice within himself, even though he had the completely wrong idea about how to do it and what it would look like, was the KEY that opened the door! How many other beggars had come by that same door asking for bread without expecting or thinking or believing that they could ever become a new man?
So, you see, though this is a fictional story, it makes the point:
It is our choosing that begins the change.
What will you choose to change today?
Your depression?
Your poverty?
Your selfishness?
Your thinking negatively about yourself?
Your ..............
Make the choice to change.
The grace will follow.
Talk to you soon.
Dr Jon
Wednesday, March 07, 2007
Living Abundantly??
Been learning lots of new stuff recently and growing in many ways. Hardly know where to start.
Saw the movie "Facing the Giants" three times last weekend. Awesome. Go see it; buy it. Watch it once a week until you get it.
Coach was defeated, loser, failure, down and out. Began to change his thinking. Began to BELIEVE that Loving Father was FOR him. (I have come so that you might have life and have it ABUNDANTLY!!) Dare we think that could mean having enough money, winning football games, enjoying family relationships, reaching out to people in need and becoming influential in their lives?? Dare we say YES!!
BUT - as John Eldredge points out - there is an enemy focused on stealing, killing and destroying. We have to FIGHT to gain the victory and our abundance. Is fighting something you do? I haven't much till recently. Watch out. I'm a fighter now. Big time. Because my abundance, my dreams for what Father has for me, given me by him, are WAY TOO BIG and WAY TOO IMPORTANT for the rest of all of us not to be fulfilled. DO NOT tell me to sit down and shut up, that I can't do this or that. (You can tell me but I'm not listening!)
Enter Psalm 2: Thou, O Lord are the shield about me...I will not be afraid.
There is the courage to do.
Enter Proverbs 2: I will
Listen with my ear (conscious mind)
Incline my heart (subsconscious mind)
Cry for discernment (add emotion) then
Wisdom in my heart (subconscious), Knowledge (conscious), Discretion (guided and guarded results) will
Where have you heard that before? Yeah, the Lord's Prayer.
So do we keep this in our head? NO
Let's speak our dreams, our abundance, so we know what it is.
Let's fight the enemy of doubt, discouragement, fear that kills us.
Let's act in the knowledge of Loving Father and for His Glory.
AND we WILL WIN the abundance promised!
Now that's what I'm talking about!!