Wednesday, July 18, 2007

LIFE is Really Easy?!

We have all heard that life is hard.
We mostly think that this is true, that difficulty is our lot.

I have decided that that is another lie that has been fostered upon us from day one.

From what planet do I come that this would even enter my consciousness, let alone be foolish (or courageous) enough to publicly declare such an idiotic statement?

Well, actually I don't know what planet I am FROM, nor does it matter; I am ON Planet Earth, as are all of us. And it is planet earth about which I am speaking.

For what makes LIFE easy or hard is really how I think about it. That is not to say there are not forces of good and forces of evil interplaying and involving us and our lives and all that. I would be the first to take away from the Biblical concept of the War between Righteousness/God and Sin/Satan. However, even in Scripture note that we are encouraged that the victory is won; we just have to believe it (use our thoughts to acknowledge it and not our eyes to see it first). We are told to above all else guard our heart for out of it comes the wellsprings of life. Our heart is our deepest thoughts, our deepest beliefs about ourselves, and God, and others.

So Life really is easy. We just have to think that it is.
The hard part is not Life, it is
the believing,
the guarding of our thoughts,
the believing that Loving Father
REALLY is in love with us,
REALLY wants us to be
successful and
abundant and
giving and
delightful and
open to ourselves and others and
growing more and more intimate with Him.

Again, the process is really quite simple; the believing is the hard part.

To show you how simple it is, look at the Scripture that says, "Ask and you will receive..."
That is true, I am coming to believe, when applied to any part of life:
wealth (yes, money!),
ability to reach out and touch others,
courage to look inside and see our own weaknesses AND strengths.

As an example of how easy and straightforward life is, if we will only decide, in the area of money, let me point you to a free ebook that was written many years ago. This author outlined very clearly and succintly the very precise and "certain way" of getting rich, also the reasons why we need to be and should be rich. While you are at it, and to acquire your free ebook, sign up for the delightful ezine that will come to you on a regular basis.

After you have obtained this wonderful little text,
BE SURE to READ it!!

After you have read it, be sure to let me know what you think and let's dialogue about it.

Here is the link:

Decide to Enjoy!!


Dr. Jon

Wednesday, July 04, 2007

Fourth of July and Freedom

The Fourth is winding down, although the fireworks are not!

Did you take a moment today to ask yourself what freedom you are most thankful for? Hopefully you did think about freedom today!

There is MUCH for which to be thankful! Political freedom, religious freedom, social freedom, economic freedom (in spite of "curve balls" thrown at us at times - price of gas went down 2 cents here today), medical freedom to name several. You all could go on and on as could we all.

But I would like to point out a freedom I am recently just becoming aware of and appreciating more and more. Actually I am seeing it have profound effects on my own personal life, perhaps more than all the other freedoms mentioned.

This freedom? The freedom to be ME

Or, in general, the freedom each of us have to be OURSELVES!

Not encumbered by family pressures, peer pressures of whatever sort, organizational pressures, etc. Just free to be ME.

This is awesome - and profound.

For when this gets worked into my belief system, I have permission to live to my greatest potential, to fulfill my purpose for taking this planetary journey in the first place. I have permission to use all the resources that the Universe and Loving Father has provided for me. I have permission to become all that I am capable of and supposed to become.

This is true Freedom!

Live in it!

P.S. To share ideas with a community of like-minded champions, you are invited to Both recorded and live, interactive sessions for your learning and enjoyment!

Tuesday, July 03, 2007

What Makes It Tick (Lessons in Marketing AND Life)

I was speaking with a Massage Therapy friend/mentor recently. He dropped the bomb that he was going to sell his spa. My first thought was, "How can he do that? That would be giving up his Gift, his Calling." And selfishly, I thought "That would take him away from me and he would not be available for consulting, mentoring, setting the example."

You have to understand, this man is unique in his ability to facilitate healing, to connect to persons, to teach those of us on the path behind him. To lose him would be a HUGE blow not only to me but to the population as a whole and to massage therapy as an industry.

But I kept my thoughts to myself and asked him to explain. His response was, "Our [MLM] is taking off, we are making enough that I don't need the spa, and I can finally just focus on the helping people heal that I have always wanted to do."

I was blown away! Here is a friend who is finally achieving the freedom of which I and many others have dreamed and for which we have worked and struggled for months and years.

This is so exciting! What an example. And at the same time, what a kick in the pants (as my Gramp used to say)! My next question had to be:

"What is your secret?"

Meaning - what are you doing that I haven't yet been able to do to see the same results in my own attempts at MLM (or whatever).

His reply included,
- Support from my upline
- The product really works
and he kind of passed it off, not talking about his efforts or himself.

But as we talked some more I realized what the real Secret is to his success, or to mine, or to anyone's. It is not just that the product has to be good - there are lots of those. It is not just that the upline has to be supportive - there are a few of those.

No. The real secret is HIMSELF, his character. He is a Caring, Compassionate, Gentle, Loving Soul in whose presence you simply feel warmed and welcomed and nurtured and loved. He is not full of sales techniques or dynamic charisma or product knowledge. He is not a big salesman.

He connects, lovingly, sincerely, without judgment to the you that you are.

Which is why he is such a good teacher, why I cherish him as a mentor/teacher, why I love to just spend time chatting and listening to him.

Would you, like me, care to become a successful, dream-fulfilling marketer in whatever venture you have chosen?

Become a Loving Connector to others.