Wednesday, July 04, 2007

Fourth of July and Freedom

The Fourth is winding down, although the fireworks are not!

Did you take a moment today to ask yourself what freedom you are most thankful for? Hopefully you did think about freedom today!

There is MUCH for which to be thankful! Political freedom, religious freedom, social freedom, economic freedom (in spite of "curve balls" thrown at us at times - price of gas went down 2 cents here today), medical freedom to name several. You all could go on and on as could we all.

But I would like to point out a freedom I am recently just becoming aware of and appreciating more and more. Actually I am seeing it have profound effects on my own personal life, perhaps more than all the other freedoms mentioned.

This freedom? The freedom to be ME

Or, in general, the freedom each of us have to be OURSELVES!

Not encumbered by family pressures, peer pressures of whatever sort, organizational pressures, etc. Just free to be ME.

This is awesome - and profound.

For when this gets worked into my belief system, I have permission to live to my greatest potential, to fulfill my purpose for taking this planetary journey in the first place. I have permission to use all the resources that the Universe and Loving Father has provided for me. I have permission to become all that I am capable of and supposed to become.

This is true Freedom!

Live in it!

P.S. To share ideas with a community of like-minded champions, you are invited to Both recorded and live, interactive sessions for your learning and enjoyment!

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