Two events occurred yesterday that converged to NOW (early AM, Wed, 10 Jan 07) in my brain.
1) I received and started reading my copy of Warrior's Nest. This is the work of Joe Schroeder, a unique person who by the world's standards was going nowhere fast. He looked at life and began to think backwards and began to do everything backwards and has become the Teacher of Success to the success teachers. You MUST get a copy (here) and read it and DO what he recommends, begin to think the way he teaches you to think. He is the System Heretic. He is all about Community. Giving. Universal Law of Losing Your Life to Gain It. Providing Service. Awesome stuff.
He points out that he was blessed with a gift - ADD (Attention Deficit Disorder) [thought to be "bad" in our world] - that actually allowed, conditioned, equipped him to see and do differently.
2) I got back into a chat room I like to join when possible. It had been nearly 4 months since last there since I teach massage school evenings in three month stretches on the same night. This is a "room", a community of regulars with lots of visitors, that prides themselves with caring and communicating, which they do. However, last night for some reason, after the initial "hi, Jon" upon checking in, my posting was completely ignored.
I realized that I also have a gift. It is the gift of a brain that can analyze (and over analyze and paralyze, too) and a parent/family that taught me to be different. Formerly this combination has been considered lethal to my successful existence. Now, upon the convergence of these two experiences, I realize that this gift is my Life Blood, my Direction, my Chief Purpose.
Joe's ADD, my Analytic Heretic, YOUR "________" (Fill in the unique gift that is YOU) is what makes us US. It is our USP (earlier post). It is what makes us special. It is what gives us a place in the grand Community where we help one another, give ourselves to one another, and grow one another in order to grow ourselves.
Most of us don't do it, don't become our unique US. As a result, we lack. We stay financially poor. Worse, we let others dictate our thoughts and behavior. We worry about what they might think. Stop it! Get real! Turn around. The Bible says to repent - same thing. Become who you ARE. Join the real community of beings who are Becoming Beings! Who are the Becomings. No more ignoring of yourself, or of others' uniqueness. Let's be, let's listen.
Two things converged in my Analytic Heretic brain. Two action steps diverge out of it:
1) As a massage therapist I have been looking for a term to describe what I do, what happens when you get on my table. "Massage" has too many connotations. "Therapy" is ok but sounds too sterile, like what doctors do. Here is my new label: Invitational Beingwork. Come get on my table and you are invited to work on your being, body-soul-spirit.
2) As a Community person I will start a new thread, a new chat room, actually a "listen room". Call it the Listening Post. A place* where we can listen to other people's comments, questions, desires, dreams, wisdom. Encourage each other as human beings to BECOME, to COME-BE.
BE today.
Dr Jon
*Such a place has begun. The Star-Link community. Directed towards business/marketing folk. Listen in, join in. Info here.
I like following a cosmic trail of thought by an extraterrestrial analytical thinker, takes me places I wouldn't go on my own.....and I can fall off anywhere if I get too dizzy.
Your place in the grand scheme might just be that, show there is value in "different" and create a new meaning or yardstick for individual success.
you are too kind; and challenging. Thank you!
Having read a bit of Ole Joe, Dr Jon, tell us about Amazing Increase. when you have a chance.
I think it is one of his finest.
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