Your Health Matters! Newsletter
Sunday, November 11, 2007
Call the Moving Van!
That is happening to me. I am leaving the "rental" space of Blogger and am "buying" my own "house" to run and host my Blog.
The change of address notice will now read:
Keep those cards and letters coming!!
Dr Jon
Friday, November 09, 2007
The Secret to Winning the Battle Against MRSA!!
I had to tell him about a solution that would
- protect his son from further damage,
- prevent him from getting into serious sequelae from taking the antibiotics prescribed, and
- even improve his overall health!
In other words he could get over the infection and be better than when he first started with it!!
Now I know, all of you think I am crazy and off my rocker (hence the title of the blog!) but hear me out.
First let's look at the scope of the problem with MRSA. Chuck called me today to say that a local news broadcast had a feature this morning about a high school football player who was just diagnosed with the dis-ease. Young people are supposed to be healthy enough to not get it.
In the words made famous by the excellent movie Apollo 13, "Houston, we have a problem!"
So what is MRSA?
The "SA" stands for "Staphylococcus Aureus," a strain of bacteria which is a normal inhabitant of human skin and nose tissue. [I can't resist putting in a plug here for the "environmental theory" of infection - the idea that bacteria only become problematic when the environment in a person's body is conducive for it's growth. In other words when a person does not have adequate immunity. But we digress; that discussion is for another time!] Normally this does not cause problems. In the instances where it might, usually a dose of a Penicillin type of antibiotic, Methicillin, will "take care" of it.
However, there has developed a strain of the Staph Aureus which in now Methicillin Resistant, hence the abbreviation/acronym MRSA or Methicillin Resistant Staph Aureus. In other words, there is not a good choice of antibiotic out there in the pharmaceutical world that treats this bacterium adequately and effectively. That should trouble you!
Here are some facts from a Microbiology site on the internet1:
In terms of treatment2,
Where infection is present, antibiotics commonly used to treat methicillin-sensitive S. aureus such as flucloxacillin, erythromycin and the cephalosporins, are not effective and the patient will require treatment with other antibiotics such as vancomycin or teicoplanin. These last two antibiotics are expensive, may be toxic and have to be given by intravenous infusion. Patients infected with MRSA must therefore be treated in hospital.
Doesn't sound so "benign" does it?
Fortunately there is a simple and effective and inexpensive solution.
A friend of mine, a nutritional expert, did the journal research and discovered a number of food substances that have effectiveness not only against MRSA but against a VERY WIDE spectrum of bacteria, viruses and fungi. He put these together in a capsule for his patients. With some urging from friends he has now made the remedy available to the general public. Now, the FDA hasn't put their stamp of approval on it; you have to know that.
However, if you would like to learn more about this simple solution to a serious problem and/or purchase some for yourself, you can do that here.
For your Improved Health and Blessing,
Dr Jon
Sunday, August 26, 2007
Who Are You - Really?
Madeleine L'Engle says, "God understands that part of us which is more than we think we are." That's an understatement. Our Perfect Parent sees the splendor intended for us from the beginning. ("Yes, it is a miracle. And no one knows it yet, but this boy is brilliant of mind, pure of heart, and will display his strength in amazing ways.") In Ephesians 2 he calls us his workmanship -- his poema, his work of art, created for a unique (meaning no one else can fill it) place in this kingdom.8 You can hear the tragedy of how we diminish the handiwork, especially the redeeemed handiwork of God, when we join in a dark chorus about ourselves. Angelus Silesius says, "God, the devil and the world all wish to enter me. Of what great lineage my noble heart must be."9 Why would the Adversary even bother with you if you were only intended for reality television-level identity? Why, when thinking of yourself, would you join the chorus that names you Average, Selfish, Hopefully Someone Will Notice Me when even the dark ones themselves acknowledge you to be Worth Having, Noble, Royal Lineage, A Threat, Marked for Mind-Blowing Wonderful Things, Belonging to Jesus?So, Who are You - Really?
Time to rethink it? redefine yourself? start believing the Truth about yourself? !!
Be your Mind-Blowing Self!
Dr Jon
8In Ephesians 2:10, the Greek word for workmanship (NIV) is poema, which means poem.
9 Angelus Silesius, quoted in Macrina Wiederkehr, A Tree Full of Angels: Seeing the Holy in the Ordinary (San Francisco: Harper and Row, 1998), 90.
----from Jan Meyers, Listening to Love (Waterbrook Press, 2004), 186.
Hard to Receive Correction?
I was listening to a financial advisor/teacher the other day and had a major revelation. She was listing things that one needs to do to change one's life in relation to money in order to begin to generate and handle more of it.
It felt like she was slapping me, condemning me for being such a bad money-handler. She was really just factually teaching some action steps to take.
The feeling of resistance stopped me in my tracks. She doesn't even know me. I was listening to her on a CD, to a program which she teaches and markets to people like you and me who are trying to improve ourselves. She has my best interest at heart; she is trying to help me.
So why did it feel to me to be so BAD? Why did I resist so strongly her directions about things to do to improve myself when that is what I really want in the first place? The answer that came was a revelation.
Here is the first part of the revelation:
I realized that I have, for all my life, defined myself to be BAD, especially when it comes to money and the acquiring and handling of it. To hear someone tell me I need to change something only confirms to my heart that I really am bad. It stirs this really deep, emotional, gut-wrenching emotion inside me. I don't want to hear it or feel that bad so I ignore it when I do.
Because here is the other part of the revelation:
I have spent my entire life covering up the defined to be BAD part of me by working REALLY HARD to make myself look GOOD. I have believed that without this appearance of goodness I couldn't be approved by my parents, my family, my friends. And I needed their approval in order to find approval for myself. Of course that never really came because underneath I still defined myself as BAD.
Amazing how things change when you finally see them!
Now I no longer have to define myself as BAD. In fact, the relationship with Jesus has made my heart GOOD. It has also given me permission to be ME! Special! Unique! Amazing guy! Self-approving!
So now instruction for improvement is welcomed, received in the intent it is given, to HELP me. Not to condemn. When all that false emotional stuff is gone, the growth can really start to happen.
Renounce the lies about yourself. Come grow with me. Be your special, unique, amazing self!
Dr Jon
Saturday, August 04, 2007
Making Money
You are probably wondering, what is the difference, and why would anyone care? Actually the difference is profound and helps to answer the question why 98% of people involved in marketing and home based businesses fail and never make any money. They are focused on the wrong thing and aiming for the wrong goal.
It also begs a bigger, broader, even more important question: Do other (or all!) professions do the same thing?
Do doctors focus on doctoring an not on making money?
Do teachers focus on teaching and not on making money?
Do salesmen focus on selling and not on making money?
Do consultants focus on consulting and not on making money?
I suspect that such is the case.
I know I did exactly that as a doctor. In fact, I doctored so I wouldn't have to think about making money.
Somehow we have been overtaken by this idea of doing what is right or what is our passion and the money will flow. I think it has given an excuse for us to be lazy.
Maybe the better concept should be: think about and focus on making money, find a tool about which you are passionate to use in the process, and let the money flow!
Bottom line, though, is let the money flow!
Does that make us greedy, selfish, out of focus?
Could, but that is a different issue. That goes to our heart motives. Assuming we have the motives straight, the result should be the receiving of money, and in large amounts. For this is a measure of our value, to ourselves and to others. For this is the means by which we can begin to do the ministering to others we all are so anxious to do. As my newest mentor says, "Poor people can't help poor people; rich people can help poor people." (True not just about money, by the way!)
To help us stay on focus, we should perhaps change the names of our occupations. Instead of doctor, lawyer, ditch-digger or whatever, we might all call ourselves "money-makers" (with a speciality in whatever)!
MoneyMaker - Doctor.
MoneyMaker - Laundryman.
MoneyMaker - Ditchdigger.
It would begin to level the playing field and help us each see where the real value is: in ourselves, not in our occupation.
Let's go make some money!
Dr Jon
To get started, get some help to get the mindset changed about money.
Here are some resources:
The absolute basic you MUST read is:
Think and Grow Rich
If you send me an email I will send you a copy of Think and Grow Rich in PDF File Format for free! - go down the right hand column and choose some of the books available there, especially Amazing Increase, Warriors Nest, Spellbound.

There are MANY more! - Give me a holler by phone (314-750-6916) or email.
And if you really want to go start making money and not just learning about how, go here, sign up and let's get you started:
I Want to Make Some Money
Please tell me if I am wrong, but do not most/many of us think that God loving us means that we can have some emotional buzz to feel good about ourselves, about life and even about others? We think it means we now get to go to heaven and live happily ever after. We think it means now we have to pay Him back by giving Him our lives, our desires, our focus, our activity. We think it means that we have to perform at some high level of righteousness so that He will approve of us and not judge us and not remove His love from us.
It really means none of that.
God loving us means we don't have to pretend or cover up or perform or even be holy. In fact, we do Him a disservice, offend and grieve Him when we do, especially since He has poured Himself out for us. He created Adam in a state of complete and shameless nakedness, completely open, physically, emotionally, mentally, spiritually. In that openness He came and conversed with Adam. And when Adam chose to cover up, He still came. He was not the least put off by Adam's guilt or shame. Rather, He Himself found a solution to allow the Second Adam to come and be completely at One with Him, and in so doing, invite us into the restoration of the open relationship.
God loving us means we are asked, invited, compelled, even, to restored to Him in all of our nakedness, all of our brokenness, all of our shame and guilt and sense of failure and inadequacy. We are invited, even expected, to come as real, live, breathing, thinking, feeling, desiring, autonomous people. And in that openness and in that nakedness God lovingly, gently, laughingly pours in His quieting, His healing, His balm, His peace, His joy, His self-confidence, Hi s acknowledgement to each of us of our uniqueness, our glory, our beauty, our personhood. He satisfies the deepest need within each of us and brings us to that great, fulfilling, resting
Get open, get real, go with God to
Dr Jon
Wednesday, July 18, 2007
LIFE is Really Easy?!
We mostly think that this is true, that difficulty is our lot.
I have decided that that is another lie that has been fostered upon us from day one.
From what planet do I come that this would even enter my consciousness, let alone be foolish (or courageous) enough to publicly declare such an idiotic statement?
Well, actually I don't know what planet I am FROM, nor does it matter; I am ON Planet Earth, as are all of us. And it is planet earth about which I am speaking.
For what makes LIFE easy or hard is really how I think about it. That is not to say there are not forces of good and forces of evil interplaying and involving us and our lives and all that. I would be the first to take away from the Biblical concept of the War between Righteousness/God and Sin/Satan. However, even in Scripture note that we are encouraged that the victory is won; we just have to believe it (use our thoughts to acknowledge it and not our eyes to see it first). We are told to above all else guard our heart for out of it comes the wellsprings of life. Our heart is our deepest thoughts, our deepest beliefs about ourselves, and God, and others.
So Life really is easy. We just have to think that it is.
The hard part is not Life, it is
Again, the process is really quite simple; the believing is the hard part.
To show you how simple it is, look at the Scripture that says, "Ask and you will receive..."
That is true, I am coming to believe, when applied to any part of life:
As an example of how easy and straightforward life is, if we will only decide, in the area of money, let me point you to a free ebook that was written many years ago. This author outlined very clearly and succintly the very precise and "certain way" of getting rich, also the reasons why we need to be and should be rich. While you are at it, and to acquire your free ebook, sign up for the delightful ezine that will come to you on a regular basis.
After you have obtained this wonderful little text,
BE SURE to READ it!!
After you have read it, be sure to let me know what you think and let's dialogue about it.
Here is the link:

Decide to Enjoy!!
Dr. Jon
Wednesday, July 04, 2007
Fourth of July and Freedom
Did you take a moment today to ask yourself what freedom you are most thankful for? Hopefully you did think about freedom today!
There is MUCH for which to be thankful! Political freedom, religious freedom, social freedom, economic freedom (in spite of "curve balls" thrown at us at times - price of gas went down 2 cents here today), medical freedom to name several. You all could go on and on as could we all.
But I would like to point out a freedom I am recently just becoming aware of and appreciating more and more. Actually I am seeing it have profound effects on my own personal life, perhaps more than all the other freedoms mentioned.
This freedom? The freedom to be ME
Or, in general, the freedom each of us have to be OURSELVES!
Not encumbered by family pressures, peer pressures of whatever sort, organizational pressures, etc. Just free to be ME.
This is awesome - and profound.
For when this gets worked into my belief system, I have permission to live to my greatest potential, to fulfill my purpose for taking this planetary journey in the first place. I have permission to use all the resources that the Universe and Loving Father has provided for me. I have permission to become all that I am capable of and supposed to become.
This is true Freedom!
Live in it!
P.S. To share ideas with a community of like-minded champions, you are invited to Both recorded and live, interactive sessions for your learning and enjoyment!
Tuesday, July 03, 2007
What Makes It Tick (Lessons in Marketing AND Life)
You have to understand, this man is unique in his ability to facilitate healing, to connect to persons, to teach those of us on the path behind him. To lose him would be a HUGE blow not only to me but to the population as a whole and to massage therapy as an industry.
But I kept my thoughts to myself and asked him to explain. His response was, "Our [MLM] is taking off, we are making enough that I don't need the spa, and I can finally just focus on the helping people heal that I have always wanted to do."
I was blown away! Here is a friend who is finally achieving the freedom of which I and many others have dreamed and for which we have worked and struggled for months and years.
This is so exciting! What an example. And at the same time, what a kick in the pants (as my Gramp used to say)! My next question had to be:
"What is your secret?"
Meaning - what are you doing that I haven't yet been able to do to see the same results in my own attempts at MLM (or whatever).
His reply included,
- Support from my upline
- The product really works
and he kind of passed it off, not talking about his efforts or himself.
But as we talked some more I realized what the real Secret is to his success, or to mine, or to anyone's. It is not just that the product has to be good - there are lots of those. It is not just that the upline has to be supportive - there are a few of those.
No. The real secret is HIMSELF, his character. He is a Caring, Compassionate, Gentle, Loving Soul in whose presence you simply feel warmed and welcomed and nurtured and loved. He is not full of sales techniques or dynamic charisma or product knowledge. He is not a big salesman.
He connects, lovingly, sincerely, without judgment to the you that you are.
Which is why he is such a good teacher, why I cherish him as a mentor/teacher, why I love to just spend time chatting and listening to him.
Would you, like me, care to become a successful, dream-fulfilling marketer in whatever venture you have chosen?
Become a Loving Connector to others.
Wednesday, June 27, 2007
Our Spiritual Lives - Relate to God??
This grave [she is speaking of self-righteousness; I apply it to my spirituality in general - J] is often the hardest to break out of because it looks so, well, good, moral, and honest. It is a shell of great-looking appearances, even friend to friend. But thankfully, as Canon Barnett's billboard said of our spiritual life, "It is buried, but not dead. When it really hears God's voice it will rise. Men will live spiritual as well as honest lives. They will rest on Some One greater than themselves and have peace."1
She goes on to relate a conversation with a couple who were having a struggle and she had just wondered out loud about how sad God must feel about that. One responded condescendingly, "how can you possibly think of God in that way?" The other echoed in disbelief, "How can a sovereign God possibly be moved by us?"
This couple sat with me, incredulous that I would suggest God might actually be impacted -- stirred, moved -- by them. Displeased, maybe, but not sad, not impacted. They were defending God and all they had come to know intellectually about his immovable attributes, and as they did so, it was clear they felt obedient. So why did they sound so smug?Here is the dilemma of true listening: are we listening in order to respond with our hearts, or are we robotically rattling off what we "know" to be true? George MacDonald...wrote to his niece, "The whole mischief has come of people setting themselves to understand rather than to do, to arrange God's business for him, and tell other people what the Father meant, instead of doing what the Father tells them, and then teaching others to do the same." 2 Something dry happens when we stop listening and start to presumptuously instruct. For [them] [and us?? - J.], God had become so impersonal in his sovereign holiness that considering his heart for them was no longer relevant; all they had to do was salute him and defend him. Their hearts were not involved in listening to his voice, because they were preoccupied with defending a tightly held theological position about him. Always an irony, isn't it? God gets lost in the process of our trying to defend him. [emphasis added - J]
.....The sovereignty of God opens up greater depths of freedom and intimacy than we could ever imagine. But that was just it. [I/We are] not looking for intimacy; [I/we are] looking for a God [I/We can] defend and outline.
.....true listening obedience asks everything of us because it is responsible. Explaining God asks only that we be good students of facts.
.....It is hard to ask with the needy heart of a child -- to be loved, to be given to, to stay responisve to God's care. And it's humbling to admit all our talk and labor and work for God are worth [nothing]. Larry Crabb reminds us that infants don't just sit around sweetly longing. No, they fill their diapers and squawk and scream until they get what they cannot provide for themselves.3 Their middle-of-the-night bellowing is a picture of what Jesus...says must be true of us in order to receive the kingdom of heaven.Think about it. How often in the past week have you known the freedom in your soul to pitch a fit -- a screaming desperation that says, "I don't know how you are going to do it, but I cannot do anything for myself here, and I am starving, so you had better come through for me!"..... The words of Scripture can be managed and manipulated and explained. The Word made Flesh must be encountered and responded to -- with desperate, middle-of-the-night cries.
---Excerpted from Jan Meyers, Listening to Love, (Colorado Springs: WaterBrook, 2004, 59-61.
Pretty blunt. Pretty right on. Let's have the freedom to respond to God, to "pitch our fit" with needy and open hearts. And, I might add, let's have the freedom and the courage to be flesh for and respond to each other as well.
1Barnett, quoted in Steve Brinn, The BootJack Ranch Devotional, 4
2George MacDonald, The Heart of George MacDonald: A One-Volume Collection of His Most Important Fiction, Essays, Sermons, Drama, Poetry, Letters, ed. Rolland Hein (Wheaton, IL: Shaw, 1994), 14.
3Larry Crabb, Shattered Dreams: God's Unexpected Pathway to Joy (Colorado Springs: WaterBrook, 2001, 17.
Who are you? A Marketer?
During this time I have been taught - and tried to learn, with some success - skills and techniques such as:
All of these are helpful, important, and certainly generate income for the proponent and purveyor of each.
However, there is a fatal flaw. None of them address the key to all activity, and that is, "Who am I? How do I define myself? How does the 'I' relate to all of the tools? In doing any of these activities, do they enhance or detract from who I perceive myself to be?"
So the first question we must ask a potential marketer is: "Who are you? Do you know who you are? (And are you OK with that?)"
The second question then becomes: "Are you willing to change your definintion of yourself to become someone who can do what it takes (above?!) to become a marketer?" Or, perhaps better, "Are you willing to let go all of the lies and false perceptions about yourself that you allow to be your definition of yourself and discover who you really, truly are? And having done that, will you be willing to let yourself be open and seen and attractive to other people who need and want what you have to offer?"
So to become a marketer, first know who you are and embrace that. Acknowledge that. Love that.
Next, know that What you market is YOU! That will reflect as some product to which you are drawn: a nutritional product, or a service or whatever; something that resonates with you based on you, not because of the product itself.
At some point you well begin to measure results. Earning extra income is, after all, the purpose. Here again, though, keep the focus on the right place. Results are not best measured on reaching goals or counting the number of dollars brought to the bank account (my apologies to Dan Kennedy, a man I consider a mentor, who makes carts full more than I do). Rather, results should first be measured in terms of how much closer I (you) have moved today toward affirming, confirming, more deeply manifesting, who I am and am becoming.
Personally, these last "unsuccessful" years have reflected my confusion about who I truly am, confusion about my definite chief purpose in life (a "Napoleon Hillism"). In that mindset I could barely attract and could certainly not keep clients or dollars. I wanted not their money but their approval. Now, in accepting and approving myself, by living in and from the strength of who I am, I not only attract peole who want and need what I have to offer them, but they also leave dollars on the table on the way out. More than that. I can now easily accept those dollars as a reflection in their minds of my value to them.
As T. Harv Eker says, "my outer world reflects my inner world". We need to spend less time on technique and more time on the inner world.
Sunday, May 06, 2007
The Healing Journey
Of the two, Healing and Dis-ease, it seems that Dis-ease is the "default" mode, that which comes most easily and is most likely to occur. I am sure there are lots of reasons: sin, the Creation groaning until the Son of Man is revealed (Romans, in the Bible), selfishness, self-seeking of pleasure at multiple levels (another cookie, anyone?), genetics, toxins, trauma, etc.
Healing is, by definition, the "Recovery" Mode, usually arrived at via a reactionary process to the Dis-ease state when it is recognized.
Both Healing and Dis-ease have Acute (sudden, unexpected) phases, times when they do just seem to show up or "happen" without any obvious cause. On the Dis-ease side maybe it is the allergic response to the cat that you never knew about, or the broken arm from playing pickup football on an afternoon. On the Healing side we would call the sudden episode a "Miracle" or "spontaneous remission". When thinking about Healing, this latter is perhaps what is most often hoped for, aimed at, defined as "Healing."
However, it is the Chronic aspect of both Dis-ease and Healing that offer the most interesting points of discussion, and growth. Chronicity implies continued, regular activity or behavior over an extended time, producing a particular result. Again, we are familiar with the concept when it comes to Dis-ease. Things like Diabetes, Arthritis, Cancer, Multiple Sclerosis, Heart disease and a host of other dis-eases all fit into this category. Interestingly, the response is to learn to "deal with it" with various medications and supports, but not to attempt to really "fix" it.
Perhaps the reason for that is because this is where the concept of what I will call "Chronic Healing" comes in. It is not a concept that has entered our awareness as a people or as a culture, to my knowledge. Basically, it is the same idea, but applied to Healing, that we have just pointed out when applied to Dis-ease. That is, Chronic Healing is continued, regular activity or behavior over an extended time, producing a particular result.
The next question is to ask, "What kind of behavior(s)?"
Here are some, for starters:
Pray. Ask the Healer for His presence and Touch. Stories abound in Scripture, and since, of just exactly this.
Look for things, attitudes, thoughts in us that need to change, and change them.
Visualize ourselves (believe) as healed. "As a man thinketh so is he." The body is but the reflection of spirit and emotion.
Open ourselves up. Let go the pride, shame, guilt, fear, pain, and all the protective walls with which we cover ourselves and wtih which we hold bound so much toxic "stuff." Just as abscesses and boils need to be drained to heal, the dis-ease bound up in us needs also to be opened up and "drained" at every level, spiritually, emotionally and physically.
Find modalities that nurture and heal on some level in and of themselves. Examples include proper diet, exercise, regular therapeutic massage, meditation, effective supplements, etc. (This is where most of us do well, but is the point where we tend to get stuck along this Journey of Healing.)
It is in this process of praying, changing, visualizing and opening up that Chronic Healing takes form as the Journey, the process, that mirrors the rest of life. We will see this Journey itself constantly change, grow and expand. We will learn more and more of things in us that need to change, we will learn better how to pray and what to pray for, we will get to new levels of openness spiritually, emotionally, physically. Eventually we will get to the place where there is nothing more to hide; the "abscess" will be cleaned out.
The result of these continued, regular behaviors is that Healing WILL come!
Dr Jon
The Healing Journey
Of the two, Healing and Dis-ease, it seems that Dis-ease is the "default" mode, that which comes most easily and is most likely to occur. I am sure there are lots of reasons: sin, the Creation groaning until the Son of Man is revealed (Romans, in the Bible), selfishness, self-seeking of pleasure at multiple levels (another cookie, anyone?), genetics, toxins, trauma, etc.
Healing is, by definition, the "Recovery" Mode, usually arrived at via a reactionary process to the Dis-ease state when it is recognized.
Both Healing and Dis-ease have Acute (sudden, unexpected) phases, times when they do just seem to show up or "happen" without any obvious cause. On the Dis-ease side maybe it is the allergic response to the cat that you never knew about, or the broken arm from playing pickup football on an afternoon. On the Healing side we would call the sudden episode a "Miracle" or "spontaneous remission". When thinking about Healing, this latter is perhaps what is most often hoped for, aimed at, defined as "Healing."
However, it is the Chronic aspect of both Dis-ease and Healing that offer the most interesting points of discussion, and growth. Chronicity implies continued, regular activity or behavior over an extended time, producing a particular result. Again, we are familiar with the concept when it comes to Dis-ease. Things like Diabetes, Arthritis, Cancer, Multiple Sclerosis, Heart disease and a host of other dis-eases all fit into this category. Interestingly, the response is to learn to "deal with it" with various medications and supports, but not to attempt to really "fix" it.
Perhaps the reason for that is because this is where the concept of what I will call "Chronic Healing" comes in. It is not a concept that has entered our awareness as a people or as a culture, to my knowledge. Basically, it is the same idea, but applied to Healing, that we have just pointed out when applied to Dis-ease. That is, Chronic Healing is continued, regular activity or behavior over an extended time, producing a particular result.
The next question is to ask, "What kind of behavior(s)?"
Here are some, for starters:
Pray. Ask the Healer for His presence and Touch. Stories abound in Scripture, and since, of just exactly this.
Look for things, attitudes, thoughts in us that need to change, and change them.
Visualize ourselves (believe) as healed. "As a man thinketh so is he." The body is but the reflection of spirit and emotion.
Open ourselves up. Let go the pride, shame, guilt, fear, pain, and all the protective walls with which we cover ourselves and wtih which we hold bound so much toxic "stuff." Just as abscesses and boils need to be drained to heal, the dis-ease bound up in us needs also to be opened up and "drained" at every level, spiritually, emotionally and physically.
Find modalities that nurture and heal on some level in and of themselves. Examples include proper diet, exercise, regular therapeutic massage, meditation, effective supplements, etc. (This is where most of us do well, but is the point where we tend to get stuck along this Journey of Healing.)
It is in this process of praying, changing, visualizing and opening up that Chronic Healing takes form as the Journey, the process, that mirrors the rest of life. We will see this Journey itself constantly change, grow and expand. We will learn more and more of things in us that need to change, we will learn better how to pray and what to pray for, we will get to new levels of openness spiritually, emotionally, physically. Eventually we will get to the place where there is nothing more to hide; the "abscess" will be cleaned out.
The result of these continued, regular behaviors is that Healing WILL come!
Dr Jon
Wednesday, March 28, 2007
TOO Good!
If it is too good to be true, it must be
got me thinking recently. Why do we as a culture take life so negatively? Is it negative to think this is a true statement?
I began to make a list of things
too good to be true - but ARE!
Number 1, right off the top, has to be:
Salvation. Redemption. Jesus coming to earth to find that which was lost. Immanuel.
When you think about this, it really is too good to be true, but it is true as many will attest. Thank God it is or we would have some really serious issues. Hopeless, Chaos, Despair, Unbridled violence. Oh, wait a minute. Sounds like the news. Maybe we need to start believing it is true.
But I digress.
What else goes on the list?
Number 2. How about the Beauty of Nature? Sunsets. Oceanscapes. Landscapes.
Awfully good. Awfully true.
Hmmm. The old saying is starting to lose some credibility for me.
Number 3. Loving, Encouraging, Edifying Relationships. Between spouses, between friends, among family. Granted it may not be true for us all, but if for only a few it still belies the original statement.
I suspect we could go on.
How about we get practical now and open our minds to the idea that
some things may be so good they are true!
How about a way to leverage your income to pay off your mortgage so early you can actually build a retirement - if you want or think you need one of those?
How about some natural products that are so potent, so "tuned in" to the needs of the human body that they actually markedly affect (dare I say "reverse"? and note that I would never dare to say "cure" because the FDA might jump all over me if I did) chronic dis-ease and a toughy like cancer?
Could these kind of practical issues that we are often faced with actually be impacted by something that is so good it could be true?
What might happen for us if we decided to believe it could be true????
I would love to hear YOUR story.
Dr Jon
Sunday, March 18, 2007
I was driving home last night from a business meeting and driving my son's (see his Brilliant Sports Commentary Blog) truck. The radio was tuned to a national talk show. The host was making the point that every day he talked about all the things in this country that were a problem:
- The war in Iraq
- Political wrangling
- Environmental issues, controversies
- Etc.
His point last night, though, was that he wanted to take some time to talk about and point out, with comments from the listeners, things that make this country unique and special. Here are a few that he came up with:
- Improved longevity
- Improved health care, in general, even for animals
- The mindset of young people that anything can be done
- Remote control, not just of TV, but of lights, fans, cars
- Antibiotics, even though some of them are becoming ineffective
- The Internet
In listening, I had to add my own to the list:
- A natural formulation MORE effective than any antibiotic, proven, working against not only bacteria but also viruses and fungi
- A technology that will scan a body and tell how much arterial occlusion is present. Then, take a supplement that is exceptionally effective at reversing the occlusion.
- A fruit juice that is effective in causing positive effects on MANY dis-eases including
- Fibromyalgia
- Irritable Bowel Syndrome
- Diabetes
- Cholesterol
- Cardiac Disease
- Arthritis
- Crohn's
- Alzheimer's
- Gastric Reflux
- Asthma/Allergies
- Herpes
- Even Cancer
Since I was in a business meeting all day I also had to add some economic celebrations:
- Every American has the opportunity to own and operate a small business. This allows him to benefit from all the tax advantages given to the wealthy
- The number of businesses available to run are limitless, depending only on one's ambition and imagination
- A mortgage payoff program that allows one to be free of mortgage and debt in 1/2 to 1/3 the time without altering spending habits or lifestyle, allowing financial freedom and providing a means to build real wealth
These are things which are available to us, NOW, NEVER before available in the history of the world!
I know, some of them sound too good to be true. Our old thinking kicks in and says it must be not true. But, guess what? These are true!
Why then are many of still dis-eased, still in debt over our ears?
Only one reason I can think of:
In short, Our Thinking.
Let's go think bigger, grander, freeing, outside-the-box thoughts.
Until next time,
Dr Jon
P.S. If interested in any of these topics listed, contact me. And please add your comments/disagreements/salutations/benedictions to whatever I say!
Thursday, March 15, 2007
Transforming Grace
Last Saturday we watched Les Miserables, the most recent version of Victor Hugo's novel with Liam Neeson playing Jean Valjean. If you have not seen this film, you absolutely MUST! There is SO MUCH in it of the power of Love and Grace, the destruction of unbridled law.
But what struck me occurred at the very beginning. Indeed, it was really on this that resulted in the events of the entire film and story. Valjean came to the Bishop's house looking for bread and something to steal. But he said:
"Give me a bed for the night and
In the morning he stole the silver thinking that would give him the resources to become a new man. He was wrong. The Bishop, when queried, gave him forgiveness and even more silver, thus saving his life. Actually giving him new life. As a result, Valjean BECAME A NEW MAN!
While it is absolutely an example of a work of grace, our theology stops at that and makes that the theme. But let me take it one step further.
Grace was the means that worked out the transformation. Valjean's choice within himself, even though he had the completely wrong idea about how to do it and what it would look like, was the KEY that opened the door! How many other beggars had come by that same door asking for bread without expecting or thinking or believing that they could ever become a new man?
So, you see, though this is a fictional story, it makes the point:
It is our choosing that begins the change.
What will you choose to change today?
Your depression?
Your poverty?
Your selfishness?
Your thinking negatively about yourself?
Your ..............
Make the choice to change.
The grace will follow.
Talk to you soon.
Dr Jon
Wednesday, March 07, 2007
Living Abundantly??
Been learning lots of new stuff recently and growing in many ways. Hardly know where to start.
Saw the movie "Facing the Giants" three times last weekend. Awesome. Go see it; buy it. Watch it once a week until you get it.
Coach was defeated, loser, failure, down and out. Began to change his thinking. Began to BELIEVE that Loving Father was FOR him. (I have come so that you might have life and have it ABUNDANTLY!!) Dare we think that could mean having enough money, winning football games, enjoying family relationships, reaching out to people in need and becoming influential in their lives?? Dare we say YES!!
BUT - as John Eldredge points out - there is an enemy focused on stealing, killing and destroying. We have to FIGHT to gain the victory and our abundance. Is fighting something you do? I haven't much till recently. Watch out. I'm a fighter now. Big time. Because my abundance, my dreams for what Father has for me, given me by him, are WAY TOO BIG and WAY TOO IMPORTANT for the rest of all of us not to be fulfilled. DO NOT tell me to sit down and shut up, that I can't do this or that. (You can tell me but I'm not listening!)
Enter Psalm 2: Thou, O Lord are the shield about me...I will not be afraid.
There is the courage to do.
Enter Proverbs 2: I will
Listen with my ear (conscious mind)
Incline my heart (subsconscious mind)
Cry for discernment (add emotion) then
Wisdom in my heart (subconscious), Knowledge (conscious), Discretion (guided and guarded results) will
Where have you heard that before? Yeah, the Lord's Prayer.
So do we keep this in our head? NO
Let's speak our dreams, our abundance, so we know what it is.
Let's fight the enemy of doubt, discouragement, fear that kills us.
Let's act in the knowledge of Loving Father and for His Glory.
AND we WILL WIN the abundance promised!
Now that's what I'm talking about!!
Thursday, January 25, 2007
Always CAN
Here's an example.
Changed his life. So he is now challenging us to do the same.
I did it.
Already changing my life. Different outlook. Not just head knowledge. Down in the gut; into the part of me that actually makes the rest of me tick. Powerful stuff.
Bigger than I thought.
Always assumed it meant now I Can DO.
Yesterday I realized it means I Can BE as well.
How about you?
Dr Jon
P.S. Get more from and about Joe here.
Sunday, January 21, 2007
New Snow
Went out early and just stood in it, enjoying the cleanness, the freshness.
Sort of like the New Year.
"New" which means a time to be done with the "Old".
Old thoughts.
Old habits.
Old ways of being and doing.
Was reading "hTe Alpha Code" yesterday by Joe Schroeder.
New thoughts.
New habits on the way.
New ways of being and doing!
Come join me and the others with me. We are going to new places, becoming new thinkers, breaking new ground.
Becoming the people "I" and "YOU" are meant to become!!
Dr Jon
Tuesday, January 16, 2007
Business is really business
However, the experience taught me something I think profound; something that my friends in the STAR-LINK community probably long ago figured out.
Let's go back to business being business. We spent a couple of days talking about business plans. Let's take it a step further.
Most "real" businesses have two separate departments that get new business. One is called "Sales". The other is called "Marketing". They really are very different parts of the process. Marketing brings people into the "funnel" to use Joe Schroeder's term; Sales makes the close somewhere along the line.
You all are laughing that the "newbie" thinks that is profound when you knew it all along. Me too. I'm laughing to realize it took this long for me to figure it out. Have to thank Joe, though, that it came at all.
Here's the really profound part: I am going to call the business MLS or MultiLevel Selling. Network Sales. The presentation, very good though it be, was all about selling. Wasn't about marketing at all. Honestly, I got pretty uncomfortable - people don't want to be sold, remember? Me neither. I was ready to join up right up front when my friend was being my friend and before he went into selling mode.
We could talk hours about this, though I don't have to. Joe has done it already. ( for info and how to get it). But here's what I take away from this, for me:
Don't sell. Be a Network Marketer.
Be a FRIEND!!!!!!
Dr Jon
MD - Doctor-in-training of Marketing
Star-Link University
Currently enrolling - welcome to the class
Sunday, January 14, 2007
Business Plan Part 2 or 3 Easy Steps to Rethinking the Plan
Maybe I just gave you a full frontal picture of my brain and personality!
Regardless, here is what I did that made writing a plan a lot of fun.
I changed the name of it. As you know, words tell. I realized that the business plan really has three main sections:
- What you want to do, the big picture (need, market, research, exit strategy)
- How you are going to do it, pieces of the picture (tools, people specifics needed)
- Steps along the way to get the pieces done (dollars, projections, balance sheet)
So, looking at that I realized those could be translated into:
- Vision
- Goals
- Action Steps
- I am helping other entrepreneurs build their business, or
- I am helping other people to improve their health, physically, emotionally, spiritually, financially
- I am generating $XX per month in my MLM business by 31 Mar 07
- I am working through my Blackman leads each month
- I am setting up a retail leg for my MLM business and selling XX units per week by 31 Jan 07
- I am marketing to previous massage clients with new offers each month
- etc. (the list can get pretty long)
Now I'm cookin'! This is getting fun.
Finally, action steps. What do I do every day to advance me along the path I have just laid out?
- I am calling XX leads each and every day
- I am writing X pages per day in my book
- I am posting to my blog each day
- I am sending a postcard to XX leads each day as a means of follow up to continue the relationship I am building with them
- I am posting to safelists each day
- I am writing a new ad/headline each day to use in various postings
- I am talking to/writing to my mentor each day
- I am listening to the great Joe Schroeder and other mentors each day
- I am doing the necessary inner work, exercises, growing activities each day that help keep me on focus and committed
- I am reading Think and Grow Rich each day
- I am spending time in Scripture each day
- etc.
- etc. (again the list gets long)
May have to make some weekly or just focus on what can be done in the time available or.......
May have to allot more time to the business! (Less sleep, less TV - what? you're meddling again Doc)
Regardless, the action steps move me toward the goals previously written which in turn begin to complete the larger vision.
Will the bank give you money on this? Probably not. Wouldn't be too hard, though, to put some actual dollars into it. And you probably should. Know how much to spend on leads, on mailings, on copies, etc.
Will it keep you on your game? I think so.
Help me out.
Let me know.
Dr Jon
Join Us In Celebrating Excellence (a Schroederism)
Saturday, January 13, 2007
But Doc, I Can't Write a Business Plan!
Know what? That is GREAT advice. Just one problem. I hate the thought of writing a "Business Plan". Sounds like too much work, too much financial stuff. How can I know what my income MIGHT be two years from now?
So I haven't written it (until now!! Yeah!!). Just floundered along, scraping by, uncomfortable but not uncomfortable enough to do something better, to grow myself, to get real with myself. Hurting my son and my family by not doing well. Looking for other ways to generate an income, like MLM or Internet Marketing.
Question: is it wrong to do MLM or Internet Marketing?
Answer: NO, NO, and NO!
Better Answer: If you are going to do any business, MLM or otherwise, do it right! Write the business plan.
Now some of you in MLM already are likely to be thinking, as I, that you don't need a business plan. Just follow the directions your company tells you. Use their plan.
Their plan is to get unfocused people like you and me to join. They are following their plan. They just made us employees without any benefits. Worse than Wal-Mart. Am I upset at them? Yes and No. Yes, because they could do a better job at telling us what we really are. No, because where else can I "own" a company for a few hundred dollars that has the potential to earn me thousands and millions of dollars? Talk about ROI!
BUT... It will only do that if I make my business my BUSINESS. How do I do that? First, write a plan. Second, stick to it.
Tomorrow I'll show you how I wrote my plan. But here's a little preview and a hint (maybe with this hint you can figure out what I am going to say): don't call it a "business plan".
Dr Jon
Stay Ahead of the Curve -
Wednesday, January 10, 2007
Being "__________" (You Fill in the Blank)
1) I received and started reading my copy of Warrior's Nest. This is the work of Joe Schroeder, a unique person who by the world's standards was going nowhere fast. He looked at life and began to think backwards and began to do everything backwards and has become the Teacher of Success to the success teachers. You MUST get a copy (here) and read it and DO what he recommends, begin to think the way he teaches you to think. He is the System Heretic. He is all about Community. Giving. Universal Law of Losing Your Life to Gain It. Providing Service. Awesome stuff.
He points out that he was blessed with a gift - ADD (Attention Deficit Disorder) [thought to be "bad" in our world] - that actually allowed, conditioned, equipped him to see and do differently.
2) I got back into a chat room I like to join when possible. It had been nearly 4 months since last there since I teach massage school evenings in three month stretches on the same night. This is a "room", a community of regulars with lots of visitors, that prides themselves with caring and communicating, which they do. However, last night for some reason, after the initial "hi, Jon" upon checking in, my posting was completely ignored.
I realized that I also have a gift. It is the gift of a brain that can analyze (and over analyze and paralyze, too) and a parent/family that taught me to be different. Formerly this combination has been considered lethal to my successful existence. Now, upon the convergence of these two experiences, I realize that this gift is my Life Blood, my Direction, my Chief Purpose.
Joe's ADD, my Analytic Heretic, YOUR "________" (Fill in the unique gift that is YOU) is what makes us US. It is our USP (earlier post). It is what makes us special. It is what gives us a place in the grand Community where we help one another, give ourselves to one another, and grow one another in order to grow ourselves.
Most of us don't do it, don't become our unique US. As a result, we lack. We stay financially poor. Worse, we let others dictate our thoughts and behavior. We worry about what they might think. Stop it! Get real! Turn around. The Bible says to repent - same thing. Become who you ARE. Join the real community of beings who are Becoming Beings! Who are the Becomings. No more ignoring of yourself, or of others' uniqueness. Let's be, let's listen.
Two things converged in my Analytic Heretic brain. Two action steps diverge out of it:
1) As a massage therapist I have been looking for a term to describe what I do, what happens when you get on my table. "Massage" has too many connotations. "Therapy" is ok but sounds too sterile, like what doctors do. Here is my new label: Invitational Beingwork. Come get on my table and you are invited to work on your being, body-soul-spirit.
2) As a Community person I will start a new thread, a new chat room, actually a "listen room". Call it the Listening Post. A place* where we can listen to other people's comments, questions, desires, dreams, wisdom. Encourage each other as human beings to BECOME, to COME-BE.
BE today.
Dr Jon
*Such a place has begun. The Star-Link community. Directed towards business/marketing folk. Listen in, join in. Info here.
Monday, January 01, 2007
New Years Explosion
We stayed home last night; no late night partying for us. Rather, we finished the trilogy of the Lord of the Rings on DVD. The family is big fans of the work, and message. We had started to do a 12 hour marathon on Friday evening. Got through two of the three movies (eight hours) but my wife and I faded in and out of the second, winding up at nearly 3AM, so decided to complete the set later. Later was last night. Awesome movies, awesome story. See it again for yourself, to be reminded.
Anyway, we didn't time it this way, but just as the ring got to the mountain and deposited into the fire and melted causing the evil empire to literally implode (towers falling, mountain exploding, fire balls flying everywhere, lava flowing, heroes being snatched from the jaws of death - all great stuff) our clock showed 12 Midnight! New Year. New Beginning. Old Evil, Stuck, Negative, Dark Forces gone. Destroyed.
Bring on the new!
And a line in the film that fits. Elven lord Elron to the exiled, reticent king yet to be crowned, "Let go of the rage and become what you were born to be."
I am going to take that to heart. You can too.
Dr Jon